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Features (Post)
Space Combat Simulator/4X and Full Real-Time Strategy Engine. You can play from either method exclusively or intermix as needed. Fully customizable ships from the smallest fighter to the largest capital ship. You want to put a capital ship weapon on a…

Last edit by on April 18th, 2020

Storyline (Post)
The backdrop is in the future when mankind is about to discover and implement faster than light travel. A expeditionary force is sent out to Alpha-Centari to create man's first jump gate. During the time that force took to get to Alpha-Centari, the…

Last edit by on February 23rd, 2018

Rank: Warmaster is a combination of many Genres. Primarily it is a Space Combat simulator, but with aspects of a First Person shooter, a Real Time Strategy, held together with a 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate) gluing it all together.

Last edit by on February 23rd, 2018