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From email: Often Skipping or repeating dialog when given interactions.

Started by on Oct 25, 2021 – Last touched: Dec 13, 2021

Oct 25, 2021 09:11 am    

i have not figured out the cause as of yet but it causes it to be difficult to follow what exactly i am to do next because whenever it happens the text box doesn't change from the previous thing they've said. For example they will say "turn right" first and i will turn right. Then they will try to say "turn left" but it cuts off and the text box flashes back to turn right faster than i can read the text

  • Truckomo

Member Dec 13, 2021 08:40 am

Since the sound system has been overhauled and the issue in the tutorial causing a loop has been solved, I will call this closed. Thanks!

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