Happy 4th of July! (This is the Furball I was hoping for!)

Happy 4th of July!  (This is the Furball I was hoping for!)
Happy 4th of July!  (This is the Furball I was hoping for!)

I finally fixed what I wanted to fix to get the ground turrets to behave.  The game is set to spawn out ships every few seconds.  Sort of a stress test, as well as to see if it would crash.  It  didn't crash, and I ran it for about 20 minutes.  It slowed down a lot (it was a LOT faster before I alt-tabbed to bring up my screen cap software), and I have NO idea  how many spawned ships and missile were running around.  Not bad for very few optimizations.  :)  Back to networking code I guess.  But this means the single player is now functional enough to truly test the game balance and timings. There are global variables in the script that change the production of different aspects of the game as multipliers.  I have it set to times ten on all of them and you see what I get. 

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