My My My...Where have you been hiding these many months?

My My My...Where have you been hiding these many months?
My My My...Where have you been hiding these many months?
My My My...Where have you been hiding these many months?

While the terrain code is far from being in it's finished form, it's now functional enough for the buildings/installations to show up again.  Just to see them is an EPIC milestone accomplished!

What you are seeing are three different installations/cities of three different players (Two computer warmasters and a human player).  


While the asset screen still needs help in it's functioning (and honestly, a complete graphical overhall to the new UI/UX interface), as you can see, the buildings are fully operational.  They draw power, they produce!

Even creation of the AIs work!  (It's Cyborg #12 because I created the AI, but the other computer warmasters already created a series of AIs for their own uses).


Now to fix the seam problems... ;)

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