UI/UX Artist: New Mouse Cursor!
Hi all. This is your UI/UX Artist Paul. This week I have some new content! The game has been without a mouse cursor design of its own for too long. This is a new project so at this time all I have are preliminary concept sketches as explorations of what kind of mouse cursor might look nice on the screen.
There are going to be more than one type of cursor. The general one will likely be minimalistic, and another one, a flight screen mouse cursor, will have more decorative consideration and interactivity in mind. The teaser image shows more modified potential versions.
One theme that will be consistent is a gradient that will be symmetrical bilaterally with the cursor body. For this reason, the cursor is being built in half, and will be mirrored in-game via code. The tip of the cursor will always be visible (as in opaque) however a flow effect for the rest of its body is a potential avenue of interactivity for the player.
The texture of the cursor will be 256x256 so there won't be a lot of room for intricate detail. The variant on the left will not likely see use. Nonetheless throwing together random, complicated concept art is a useful exercise and a way to stumble upon future aesthetic motiffs.
Further design concepts will be explored!
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