Behind The Scenes

It's been a busy couple of weeks, despite not having any new pictures to show. We've done quite a few bug fixes based on our multiplayer testing. For example, it turned out that players made assumptions about how something as simple as trading assets back and forth that didn't match the assumptions I'd made when originally setting up that system, which required streamlining that entire process in code to match how players wanted to use the feature. For another example, as soon as players were able to start building installations, they tried quite reasonably to build multiple factories to speed up ship production. But the factory screen was originally built over a year ago, and we hadn't been able to test it properly at the time, so we discovered to our dismay that not only were ships waiting to be built not displayed the same on every player's computer, but multiple build queues very much did not display correctly. The good news is that fixing those bugs have made not only the factory screen but some of the back end code better and more stable. Stay tuned for even more progress to come!

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