Better to hit effects!

Better to hit effects!
Better to hit effects!
Better to hit effects!
Better to hit effects!

Lots of things behind the scenes such as better network code and support for scenarios and game styles in multiplayer.  Tests have already shown that 6 players have no issues playing.  I'm trying to organize an larger test.  Of course the things that are more  obvious is better "to-hit" effects, which is what is in the screen shots.  When beams hit shields they flare up as blue-white, when area orange-white and the ground, green-white.  When pulses hit something they make larger explosions that are red.  Because of the way things now work, one can now trace a trail with the beams which can be more easily seen in the latter screen shots.  There is going to be a lot of other visual updates in the coming weeks.  

Better to hit effects!
Better to hit effects!
Better to hit effects!
Better to hit effects!
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