HUD Updates and much more!

HUD Updates and much more!
HUD Updates and much more!
HUD Updates and much more!
HUD Updates and much more!

A lot of updates have happened since my last post.  We’ve had a live stream, updated HUD elements, solid multiplayer testing, and lots of fixes.  The last post was about Monitor elements which now have been mostly finalized, as you can see from the screen shots.  What has been added is the first round of adding in other indicators.  Currently, on the left is your speed indicator.  The Blue meaning your current velocity, and the green meaning what you have it set to.  When they overlay, you get a CYAN blue.  On the right, is the weapon capacitor (energy) in blue.  So when this is drained, you can’t fire.  Further to the right are the individual statuses of each weapon.   Green means it can Fire, Red means it’s recovering to fire (either from a lack of energy or the normal cycle time that is typical with pulse weapons).  Pulse Weapons also have a Blue overlay which indicates how much ammo is left for that weapon.  I have yet to put in a different look for when an individual weapon is destroyed.  I’m aware that the new HUD arcs don’t exactly fit.  I have to see if I need to move them over, or squash them in so they fit better.  I haven’t decided yet.  But everything in stages and progress is being had. 

 Also, please subscribe to our new YouTube Channel to see how all this works out!

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