New Trailer!
Hey everyone! It's Jorden! You read the title so, yeah, we're working on a new release trailer for the game. It's not out at this moment, but it's been written and recorded and even voiced! So I thought I'd share a bit about the process, since it's nearing completion.
Naturally, the trailer starts with me writing a script. This took some time as we were trying to learn some lessons from the reception for our last trailer, as well as figuring out what we wanted this newer trailer to accomplish. Ultimately, I ended up going with "One day in the life of the Director." I wrote this trailer in an attempt to showcase what playing our game would feel like. Even that concept went through a few revisions.
I wanted to introduce potential players to the characters of Ares and the Director (in case I forgot to mention, the Director is the player. Director of Interplanetary and Deep Space Affairs is the official title you are given at the conclusion of the third tutorial). This called for voices, which was fine for Ares since Chris has already been voicing him for the tutorials as well as various alerts in the game. The Director is unvoiced in the game though, so I ended up doing the voice for the trailer. I've voice acted exactly once before, in high school, so I was pretty nervous, but Chris is a fantastic sound director and team mate and we managed to do the recording pretty quickly when he came to visit. There's even some bloopers we're hoping to release after the trailer.
After recording the voice lines, we had to shoot the actual footage for the trailer. This took quite a bit more time than we were expecting but that has partly to do with the level of honesty that I was aiming for. All of the footage in both trailers is recorded game footage, nothing is pre-rendered, but that does take quite a bit of co-ordination and time to put together.
Now all that's left is for Chris to edit all the footage into a video and then we upload it to YouTube. Keep an eye out for it soon, it may even come with another special announcement!
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