Research Building

Research Building

Kat again with another building share. This time the research building. 

 As usual the concepts are created either with silhouettes or sketches. For the research building I wanted it to have a unique look. After drawing some designs out and group reviews, we came up with an idea to have multiple buildings connected.  With the three connected it definitely looks like a lot of research and development is happening in your city. 

Like with the mining facility, I created the low poly models in Blender. Each building was modeled separately and then joined with corridors. Originally the buildings were planned to be connected in a circle pattern but that was changed to the triangle pattern you see now for better impact in war. 

Color and texture was added in 3d coat. To keep in common with the other buildings. copper tones are a dominant feature. Each building also has unique details not found on the other two.


Research Building
Research Building
Research Building
Research Building
Research Building
Research Building
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