The Terrain is finally fixed! Load/Save in Multiplayer and more!

The Terrain is finally fixed!  Load/Save in Multiplayer and more!
The Terrain is finally fixed!  Load/Save in Multiplayer and more!
The Terrain is finally fixed!  Load/Save in Multiplayer and more!
The Terrain is finally fixed!  Load/Save in Multiplayer and more!

It's been a very long time coming, but the Terrain (at least visually) is finally fixed.  No more gaps, or very obvious triangles, so the weaving is correct.  Some of the equations still need some tweaking functionally, but visually it's fixed.  It also supports "tiles" of height maps so expect at some point more interesting terrain rather than the perlin noise generated one here.  The terrain is one of those things that is never done, so other things will eventually be added, perhaps shadows, and certainly a better tweaking of the Level of Detail on the mountains based on distance. 

Another major enhancement that can't be seen on screen shots is the Terrain generator now is on a different processor.   While this forced creating a secondary buffer for the terrain, there are no longer lag spikes when the terrain needs updates.  While the lag spikes were tolerable, it became obvious it needed to be addressed.   I look forward to moving other major processes to other CPU cores too.   The image loading and decoding was done a LONG time ago with massive improvement.  I hope to eventually move the movement and weapons fire routines to other cores to speed up processing, to handle far more ships without a performance hit.

There have been a lot of improvements and bug fixes behind the scenes.  The MAJOR improvement is the ability to Load and Save in Multiplayer!  This is huge since now it is possible to have a continious game, and even handle issues better if there is a crash, just load where the autosave left off!

More to come soon!  Please visit us on the Multiplayer tests on our youtube channel!  A crowd funding campaign will be starting soon!  Be on the look out for it!


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