Archives for: "January 2020"
UI/UX Artist: Asset Screen Update!
Jan 31st
Hi everyone! This is your UI/UX Artist Paul. It's been a while since I posted, so without further ado, here's the update! As mdcode, one of our programmers, has introduced, the Asset Screen is the digital ledger where all of the player's assets from… more »
Cleaning up the Shipbuilder
Jan 24th
While not finished being cleaned up, the shipbuilder, one of the foundational pieces of the game has gotten the "screen maker" overhaul. Which means the interface is far far easier to create and make alterations than before, which was by hand. While… more »
Warmaster Line Up
Jan 23rd
Here are the current actoins of The Warmaster with the medals. Created in Clip Studio more »
The Factory Screen - Can't Smite Your Enemies Without Ships
Jan 17th
It's true, you can't smite your enemies without ships. To build ships in Rank: WarMaster, you'll need some factories, and to access your factories, you'll need the factory screen. [image:315] The factory screen will let you select factories by planet… more »
Changing Keys
Jan 13th
Modulation (changing the key of a song, or changing where the "home" note is) is a technique used in many, many forms of music. Some musicals go up a half-step every 8 bars, some pieces have the same harmony for hours on end. The particular kind of… more »
Holidays and Conventions
Jan 11th
Happy belated Holidays to everyone. While I wish I had more to show, between holidays killing a lot of progress, and going and preparing for MAGfest, I don't have screen shots to show. However, there has been a lot of background updates. Screen… more »