Archives for: "December 2019"

Chilling Out
Dec 30th
I love making music that has a lot of intricate rhythmic layers. But, having a lot of different parts to pay attention to may not be the best choice for a video game. Music plays a supportive role in Rank: Warmaster (instead of a more complex role in… more »

Two More Warmaster's progress images
Dec 26th
More progress work of the Warmaster. Pose titles are "think" and "idea". more »

New Hexagonal Targeting Reticle
Dec 20th
We've been busily updating Rank: Warmaster's HUD lately. The newest addition as of this week's livestream is the hexagonal targeting reticle. It's basic mode surrounds potential targets with a color-coded hexagon: blue for friendly, red for enemies,… more »

Dec 16th
I have been training as a 'classical' musician my whole life, but I have only learned how to compose electronic music recently. One of the techniques that I learned for the soundtrack to Rank: Warmaster is sidechaining. If you listen to EDM a lot, you… more »

HUD Updates and much more!
Dec 14th
A lot of updates have happened since my last post. We’ve had a live stream, updated HUD elements, solid multiplayer testing, and lots of fixes. The last post was about Monitor elements which now have been mostly finalized, as you can see from the… more »

The Warmaster's progress
Dec 12th
Another short update from me but here is progress of the warmaster action portraits. more »

The gwobs are coming...
Dec 6th
As of this week, Rank: WarMaster is running entirely off of our custom file package format, the gwob. This means that any image or sound file the game needs, it now reads out of dedicated single master file. For example, all sound effects now come from… more »

UI/UX Artist: Which Way'd He Go Officer?
Dec 5th
Hi all! This is your UI/UX Artist Paul here. This week I've got a new development for the in-game Heads Up Display to show you. Introducing the Compass! [image:281] If you've ever played first person shooter games like Call of Duty, Halo, or any action… more »

Right in the Face - Featuring the Ableton Live 10 Wavetable!
Dec 2nd
After I got Ableton Live 10, I started playing around with the Wavetable instrument. I'm still learning the instrument, but I'm beginning to understand just how powerful this instrument is. I highly recommend it! This is what I came up with. It's called… more »