Looking Back on the Project Thus Far
Hey everyone! Tutorial 3 is done! *party noises*
Well, the first draft. Of the script. It still needs to go into Articy. It also needs revisions, and voice-over, and testing, and feedback...
Yeah, still a lot of work to do, but I'm proud of getting this far.
I joined the team a little over a year ago in July 2020, after hearing Art going on and on about the game at every opportunity for the entirety of the two years previous to that. At first, they just wanted me to do the dialogue for the tutorials, Chris was doing the level design, as it were. Then Chris passed the level design over to me so he could focus on the areas of the project that he was more suited for, and I also took on the task of writing more scenarios for the game to create greater variety in the actual gameplay. I finished the original versions of the first two tutorials and while I wasn't exactly "happy" with them, at least they were finished on time for what we thought our deadline was going to be at that point (I think this was May 2021). Then it became clear that the method being used to bring the tutorials into the game, basically "by hand", was too inefficient to actually implement them in a timely fashion. We pushed our deadline back, Arthur found Articy and showed me the information, and I spent the next week learning how to use it. Then I implemented a small segment of Tutorial 2 (the original) so Art could practice with it and I began drawing up an outline for Tutorial 3. Then Art saw a video about making modern tutorials for complex games, showed it to me, and asked me if I felt the tutorials we had were up to that standard. I told him that I didn't really think so, and that I already wanted to redo them eventually. Art decided that he wanted the tutorials made up to that standard now, since we needed them to be good in order to have a good first impression of the game by future players.
I told him I would see what I could do.
So I put the old tutorial scripts aside and started from the top with Tutorial 1, in June. All together it took me around 8 weeks of work to get the three tutorial scripts written, not including the time I also needed to handle other responsibilities and take a badly needed vacation to visit my family. Total time since I started on the new Tutorial 1 was about 3 months. The first drafts of the tutorials have come out to 25,685 words. Depending on who you ask, that's basically a small or mid-size novella selling for $1-3 as an ebook on Amazon. It's a lot of writing, and I'm pretty proud of that. I like these tutorials a lot better, as well. I feel that the information being given is less overwhelming, the character of Ares is less silly, though not without humor, and on the whole they feel much more refined. I do wish that I had more time to refine it further, I feel like I could really use another month of feedback and editing work to really make these tutorials shine, and in time I will hopefully get the chance. They're definitely a little rough around the edges but they're full of all of the passion I could pour into them.
Just like our team. We're a little rough, and we don't always get along, but we love video games and we love this project. We want to show you all the labor of our love, and we will.
Very soon.
Look forward to it, and I'll talk to you all in a couple weeks!
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