Archives for: "June 2019"
Typical Release Update Change Log
Jun 26th
I realize my updates aren't that often, so it looks like little goes on behind the scenes. So I wanted to post a typical release log that shows all the updates that get rolled into a release from a previous one. Generally releases are done every two… more »
It is official. Ship to ship Multiplayer is Up!
Jun 26th
The multiplayer for ship to ship combat is up and working. The respawn also works, which means, after someone dies, the host server can just hit a button and everyone is back to full health. Obviously, this makes battles more fun since people can get… more »
Multiplayer is talking
Jun 22nd
The join and host mechanics are up and working. Chatting works (as you can see). The rest of the infrastructure needs to be awoken, but it is there waiting for it. In the old system, the Scenerios never did anything. In this case, it will be quite… more »
Connection Established! Multiplayer has a heartbeat!
Jun 14th
Ok. What does "(**#*#*^$^PLAYER 1$%" mean? It means that the Host and Client are talking and the client is sending the Player name to the host and everyone is talking to each other. :) What you see in the screens shots are the "join" screen, and the… more »
Join Screen Prototype
Jun 10th
Not much work on this over the weekend, but you can see there have been some updates. Now to make it functional. ;) You can see here with the screen maker lines and without. more »
Getting the multiplayer started
Jun 8th
This is a screen shot from within the screen maker for the multiplayer "join" screen. It is more of a brainstorm, work-in-progress, than it's final form. What use to take days, now takes minutes. Obviously the screen maker needs more and more… more »
Screen Maker Ready!
Jun 3rd
Ok, what is screen maker? Well, I realized the reality is that I needed more tools for my game, or more specifically for my engine. Originally, the interface screens were all hard coded. In the resurrection of the project, I have been slowly moving a… more »